Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vollum Family

I got to head out to East Union to take some pictures of my aunt, uncle and cousins. They live on a beautiful piece of property so we took a walk around and used all of the great backdrops that are the property. I may have to go back to get some still shots. It was fun hanging out with them and capturing some moments for them. Here is a quick slideshow.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Amanda Senior Pictures

As I was all bundled up in my winter coat and gloves, Amanda braved the near freezing temperatures to get in a great senior shoot. We originally scheduled it for Saturday morning but we woke up to a blanketing of snow, which defeated the purpose of the nice fall surroundings so we tried again on Sunday morning. It was a fun shoot and I think we turned out some great shots. Thanks Amanda, for braving the elements and making the pictures look like it was a perfect 65 degree fall day!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Alex Senior Pictures

We found a day that wasn't raining! After days of rain I met Alex for her senior pictures. Thanks to Mom, Max and Angie for being great helpers too! It was a great shoot and Alex was a natural..what a great person to work with! Thanks so much for the shoot and enjoy this slideshow. The full high resolution pictures are on my website. Have a great senior year!