Friday, August 28, 2009

Langer Senior Photos

I had the pleasure of taking senior photos for a former student. Langer hung out in our PE office everyday 4th quarter which led to some great conversations with the PE staff!!! Definitely a favorite person from my teaching career. It was great seeing Chris again and we got some great shots. Check out the slideshow and a few of the pics. Thanks Chris (and mom Julie) for a fun day!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I feel bad that I haven't added any pictures of my dog Bud..yep he has been staring at me while on the computer as if he knew that he was not put on my blog!! Here are some recent shots of Bud..he is such an awesome dog!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jaida Turning Two

My good friends Jim and Jill wanted some nice photos of their beautiful daughter Jaida as she is turning 2. We set up in their house where Jaida would be comfortable and she was loving it. She didn't want to be done taking pictures so I kept snapping away as she said "more photo". It was a great time and we got some great shots of Jaida. She was having fun and was posing so naturally! Here are some shots of Jaida.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thanks Jim, Jill and Jaida for a fun Sunday morning!! It was great capturing some of the many moments of joy in your lives. Jaida was awesome! Here is a quick slideshow with about 100 pictures. It is really great viewing it on a large screen! Also some of my favorite shots are here too. All the photos are up on the site under the client gallery. See you soon!